Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Network Management Organization for Whistle â⬠IT Security Community
Question: Describe about the Network Management in Organization for Whistle Blower Divides IT Security Community. Answer: Introduction The report depicts online threats for internet security system of Whistle-Blower divides IT Security Community. It will discuss the ethical issues that had been occurred within the organization due to the behavior of one of the working employees. From ethical perspective whether the behavior was appropriate or not, that will also be discussed in this report. Additionally, the behavior of the manager of CISCO and ISS was appreciable enough or not will also be illustrated in this report. From the overall discussion it will identify the potential ethical and social issues that might affect the organizational structure and ethical solution to those situations will also be discussed in this report. Discussion on whether Mike Lynn acted in a responsible or not Considering the organizational and corporate perspective it can be said that the behavior of Mike Lynn is not enough like a professional but the behavior is completely appropriate while considering the ethical perspective. Whatever CISCO and ISS did with Mike was not an ethical behavior. The IT security risk is rising in a rapid manner all over the world in order to mitigate the issues Lynn started to concentrate on internet operating system. In order to provide privacy against unauthenticated disclosures computer societies are concerned on the field of computer studies [4]. Message content manipulation, data deletion and insertion without authorization hamper the entire security system. Different threats are there such as accidental threats, environmental threats and deliberate threats that might misuse the data regarding any organizational finance or personnel details. In this particular case, Mike Lynn used the router of CISCO to carry out the experiment on IT security. The objective of the computer security professionals is to create a valuable and protective framework to attain the complete security while using network of internet services [5]. Mike Lynn who was a member of X-force assessed the online security threats for the internet service and he defined that the security system might hampered if the a security framework is modeled properly for the IT based organizational network. As the employee used CISCO router for their framework thus, CISCO an ISO felt that Mike is utilizing their router for his personal benefit though, considering Mikes perspective it is found to be completely wrong. From the discussion it can be said that on the day of the presentation he was prepared with his pre planned speech but sudden changes emerged ethical issues as he was concerned about the network issues. Therefore, it can be said that, the reaction of Mike was like a responsible person considering the organizational ethical point of view [1]. There are certain issues that affect the ongoing activities of the network system and apart from this; the conflicts within the organization also took place within the organization whenever the moral principle of any organization get interrupted. Thus, in order to avoid the conflict within the organization ethics is considered to be the most important thing. The information technology tools affect all the sensitive issues and also affect the effectiveness and usability of the network system. Again, controversial ethical system dominates the computing technologies and the users mind set up. Ethics in IT also aims at the construction of tools that might be applied in system development [2]. Additionally, the appropriate usability of appropriate tools in effective sectors is another significant and moral part used by the stakeholders and other authorized users of the IT network. Rather it can be said that, Lynn only wanted to provide ISS and IOS details and also at a crucial point he resigned from the office. Discussion on whether Cisco and ISS were right to pull the plug on Lynns presentation at the Black Hat conference or not The member of X force Mike Lynn, found during his experiment that the, security is one of the most effective threats in the information and security system. It even may cause grave harms like injury or death of the system [9]. From the ethical perspective pull the plug on the topic of Mikes presentation was not at all right. From the corporate aspect most of the managerial level people become selfish when the question came up on personal growth and promotions [12]. Mike used the internet operating system used by the CISCO routers. Therefore, the managers did not want him to use their system for the research work. He used backtracking method to discover a secured network worm to control the rate of attacks on the network from outside. The discovery done by Mike was completely momentous and after the completion of the innovation he decided to give a speech on his research work on Black Hat conference [14]. The managers of CISCO and ISS realized that the revealing technology could hamper their business structure. They also felt that they were unable to notice the network level issue, thus, the issue resolving processes were also did not come up to their minds. Computer ethics is referred to as the application of classical as well as ethical principle in the usage of computer technology. Most of the times computers create false sense based on security and people are unable to realize the vulnerability of the information stored within the system [3]. Again, there are certain tools that are used as the medium of the attack and as the intermediate of the devices. Therefore, in order to reduce the security issues Lynn firmly focused on the computer security system. Whatever he decided to frame was beneficial for business purposes and also for the users who use network services. Nevertheless, as the discovery was made by a common employee and not by the manager of the company therefore, CISCO claimed that Lynn violated the property of the company by using their router system without their permission. Though, Lynn claimed that, whatever he did is only for the users security. However, the managers did not take it positively. Not only this but also, on the day of presentation the managers decided, him to give a speech on voice over internet protocol. They did not want to make Lynn upset and only because of that they give him an opportunity to Lynn to give speech on a topic on the Black Hat conference, a meeting among the computer hackers [7]. Therefore, from the ethical point of view it can be considered that, the incident of Lynns behaviors was somewhere ethical but somewhere unethical too. In corporate environment the ongoing activities are Ethical design and evaluation, computer ethics test, Training and development programs in computer ethics and speech on the principles of ethical computers. If the ethical morality hampers the overall conduction of the network system then, it will become difficult for the users and for the stakeholders to adopt a computer system [8]. If the member of the organization feels that the usability violates the values and norms of the particular organization. Therefore, from the overall discussion it can be summarized that, ethics is one of the paramount factors within the enterprises as it contains the structured behavior of the manager, leader and other professionals [10]. The leadership quality of a team leader and the managing power of a manager should always have to be very much motivating so that every employee working for the company feels motivated towards their task. Apart from this motivation is the best medicine to the employees as it helps to make them engaged to their task and organizational responsibility [15]. In this particular case, some ethical and social issues resultant forms the business perspective. These issues are as followed: Social and ethical aspect of the case study Impact Social aspects 1. Economic 2. Environmental 3. Psychological 4. Health 5. Political 6. Cultural 7. Ergonomic Ethical as well as social aspects 1. Reliability 2. Control 3. Authenticity 4. Integrity 5. Security 6. Intellectual property 7. People and machines 8. Equality of access 9. Global and cultural diversity 10. Policy and standards Different reasonable approach toward communicating the flaws in the Cisco routers that would have led to the problem being promptly addressed without stirring up animosity among the parties involved There are certain reasonable approaches are provided by Mike Lynn to reduce the issues regarding CISCO router [9]. He also discovered some issues that might create positive effect on CISCO Company too. He made it possible by framing up a secured routing protocol for all those employees who are massively uses internet services. Mike Lynn discovered a network worm, to enhance the privacy of the internet services. Network worm is basically a tiny but self replicating application that often created by the vandals or sometimes by the other corporate spy [11]. It does not modify the content of the message rather it creates replica of its own. The methodology initiates with resource stealing without any sort of destruction. It is majorly referred to as a program that is capable to create replica and spread it throughout the network in all the connected electronic devices. Network worm acts several unwanted functionaries [16]. Therefore, it can be said that the network connectivity is used to corrupt all the connected devices gradually. After complete investigation Lynn came to know that, the newly designed network work can propagate itself and also can take care of the internet services [15]. From the new CISCO security perspective currently discovered also stated the importance of the vulnerability of IPv6 craft ed datagram. IOS is vulnerable of DOS. In this case, the packet should have to be sent to the LAN segment [12]. The explicitly configured segments affect the traffic of IPv6. Actually, in this case study whatever Mike wanted to share with CISCO and ISS was not previously used by many other parties. Therefore, for black hat conference the topic was not found to bet that much effective for the internet users [4]. This is the reason for which they decided another topic VOIP for Mike Lynn instead of the network worm. It is obtained that, for network resources, internal users are responsible and external users have the authenticity to access some of the resources, from the security matrices the level of risks are modeled in an appropriate manner. System Description Level of risk Network routers Distributive device Very high Closet switches Access network device Moderate ISDN Access network device Moderate Internal mail Network application Moderate Recommendations to network security From network security perspective, it can be said that, based on the network environment and the location of the host a set of complex rules are required to be implemented within the firewall of CISCO. Security in computer technology is required to reduce the damages and destruction of the network services [8]. Security is needed to keep the internal data secured. Sensitive information can be hacked by unauthorized users therefore; network security is strictly required for the consumers security. Information regarding data should be stored in a way so that, only the authorized users can fetch those whenever required. Active and passive attacks changes the content of the information thus, encryption of data will help to keep the data much secured. Encryption on data Digital certification Implementation on DLP and auditing Maintenance of security patches Comprehensive endpoint security solution Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, the report described different corporate ethics, ethical issues and ethical dilemma incidence in Whistle-Blower divides IT security community. It also reported all the potential social and ethical issues that had resulted from the business relevant issues. Additionally, it also mentioned the importance of leadership and management criteria within an the situation faced by the Mike Lyn and according to the situation the behavior of the employee was appropriate or not was also mentioned in this report. Looking towards from corporate and ethical perspective, it can be concluded that the occurred situation was enough contradictory. Sudden resignation from the company on the day of the conference and denying of giving a speech on a topic selected by the higher authority was not ethical enough however, Mikes intention was to provide a security solution to all the users of internet services. Apart from this, other recommendations to netw ork based security are also mentioned in this report. References [1] A.M. Matwyshyn,. Hacking Speech: Informational Speech and the First Amendment. Nw. UL Rev.,107, p.795, 2012. [2] B. 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